WIN32 Package Installation

Follow the steps below to install WIN32 package
  • First extract, then run setup.exe under wsinst folder
  • If you choose to use an installed version of Perl/Ruby/Python, then the installation process may take a while to complete
  • Reboot your computer after the installation
If you want to use the Java version, please install JDK1.4.2 from Sun Microssystems and set your correct Java path via the project configuration dialog on the Builder.

MacOS X 10.3 Package Installation

Please download the MacOS X 10.3 package. gcc/g++/make should be installed should be installed from ADC first. Then install the package:
  • Download ws-v3.80-6-macosx.pkg.tar.gz
  • Double-click ws-v3.80-6-macosx.pkg to start installation
  • Please start X Server once before rebooting your computer
When you want to use the Java version, please install JDK1.4.2 Update2.

WideStudio for T-Engine Installation

You can develop an application that can run on T-Engine by using WideStudio for T-Engine WideStudio for T-Engine itself runs on Linux to generate T-Engine binary
Please refer to WideStudio for T-Engine Installation as to configurig/setting of WideStudio for T-Engine
(NOTE)If you use v3.60-2, please create "lib-btron" directory under "ws" directory before building WideStudio for T-Engine

WideStudio for BTRON Installation

WideStudio for BTRON enables you to create an application that can run on BTRON(Cho-Kanji) WideStudio for BTRON itself runs on Linux to generate BTRON binary
Please refer to WideStudio for BTRON Installation to configure/setup WideStudio for BTRON
(NOTE)If you use v3.60-2, please create "lib-btron" directory under "ws" directory before building WideStudio for BTRON

Getting source code for Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris/MacOSX

Please get WideStudio source code and manual first. You can extract source files, manual by doing the following
(NOTE)vX.XX.X indicate version numbers
  • Linux:
    cd /tmp
    tar -zsxvf ws-vX.XX.X-src.tar.gz
    cd /tmp/ws
    cd /tmp
    gzip -cd ws-vX.XX.X-src.tar.gz | tar -moxvf -

  • FreeBSD/MacOSX:
    cd /tmp
    tar -zsxvf ws-vX.XX.X-src.tar.gz
    cd /tmp/ws

WideStudio Build/Installation

Please follow the steps below to build WideStudio Target includes runtime libraries and debugging libraries. Runtime libraries are usually used. Debugging libraries are used on debugging applications on WideStudio in development time We strongly suggest build all the component before start development.
(NOTE)"ws" indicate a directory which source code is extracted
(NOTE)If you get a binary package, you do not need to build WideStudio
(NOTE)For some reason such as environmental configuration on your computer, there might be an error on building. In such a case, please invoke "configure" and edit "sys/config/mkflags" to match your environment such as path, link libraries.
  • Building All Components
    cd ws/src
  • Building Runtime Libraries Only
    cd ws/src
    make runtime
  • Building Debugging Libraries Only
cd ws/src
make debug

  • Building Java MPFC
Please set your JDK installation directory to JAVA_HOME environment variable before building.

cd ws/src
make java

  • Please make sure that the Application Builder(ws/bin/wsbuilder) is created after building is complete
    After build process, please install by the following with root authority.
    make install
    Usually, it is installed on /usr/local/ws on Linux, and /opt/ws on Solaris

Linux Frame Buffer Runtime Library Build/Installation

 Please follow the steps below to build Linux Frame Buffer Runtime Library
(NOTE)"ws" indicate a directory which source code is extracted
(NOTE)For some reason such as environmental configuration on your computer, there might be an error on building. In such a case, please invoke "configure" and edit "sys/config/mkflags" to match your environment such as path, link libraries.

  • Linux Frame Buffer Runtime Library Build
    cd ws/src
    make devfb
  • After the build process, please install with root authority by typing:
    make install
    Usually, it is installed on /usr/local/ws. the name of the library is (x.xx indicates a version number)

Linux DirectFB Runtime Library Build/Installation

 Please follow the steps below to build Linux Direct FB Runtime Library
(NOTE)"ws" indicate a directory which source code is extracted
(NOTE)For some reason such as environmental configuration on your computer, there might be an error on building. In such a case, please invoke "configure" and edit "sys/config/mkflags" to match your environment such as path, link libraries.

  • Linux DirectFB Runtime Library Build
    cd ws/src
    make directfb
  • After the build process, please install with root authority by typing:
    make install
    Usually, it is installed on /usr/local/ws. the name of the library is

mu-CLinux Frame Buffer Runtime Library Build/Installation

  Please follow the steps below to build mu-CLinux Frame Buffer Runtime Library
First, please get a compiler for the target computer and install it. For example, if it is Fujitsu FRV-400, please install the compiler onto /usr/local/frv-040611-4
(NOTE)"ws" indicate a directory which source code is extracted
(NOTE)For some reason such as environmental configuration on your computer, there might be an error on building. In such a case, please invoke "configure" and edit "sys/config/mkflags" to match your environment such as path, link libraries.

  • mu-CLinux Frame Buffer Runtime Library Build (FRV-400 example¡Ë
    cd ws/src
    make uclinux-frv
  • After the build process, please install with root authority by typing:
    make install
    Usually, it is installed on /usr/local/ws. the name of the library is libwsdevfb.a

SHARP ZAURUS(Emblix Linux) Runtime Library Build/Installation

  Please follow the steps below to build ZAURUS (Emblix Linux) Runtime Library
First, please get a ZAURUS compiler from SHARP Co.
(NOTE)"ws" indicate a directory which source code is extracted
(NOTE)For some reason such as environmental configuration on your computer, there might be an error on building. In such a case, please invoke "configure" and edit "sys/config/mkflags" to match your environment such as path, link libraries.

  • SHARP ZAURUS Runtime Library Build
    cd ws/src
    make zaurus
  • After the build process, please install with root authority by typing:
    make install
    Usually, it is installed on /usr/local/ws. the name of the library is (x.xx indicates a version number)

Troubleshooting for Build/Installation

  • X11 header could not find error in compilation time
    Please edit ws/sys/config/mkflags and change XINCS, XLIBS values
  • jpg header could not find error in building
    Please check the location of jpg header/installation directory and change INCJPG, LIBJPG in ws/sys/config/mkflags
  • XPM header could not find error in building
    Please check the location of XPM header/installation directory and change INCXPM, LIBXPM in ws/sys/config/mkflags

Linux Runtime RPM Package Installation

There is no need to configure environment variables when you install from RPM pacakge.
  • Installation:
        su (chage to super user account)
    rpm -i --nodeps ws-runtime-vXXX.i386.rpm
  • Uninstallation:
        su (chage to super user account)
    rpm -e ws
it installs under /usr/local/ws
(NOTE)This package does not include source code. If you want to build from source code, please download the source code separately
(NOTE)The RPM package does not include debugging library.
(ADVICE)When a version of libstdc++ is different from that required and there is an error saying could not be found, please try to set a symbolic link from your /usr/lib/ to

WideStudio Configuration

The following configuration is needed to use WideStudio
WSDIR Specify the installation directory
PATH Add WideStudio command path
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Add the location of WideStudio dynamic link library

Default WSDIR is set as the following
System Default
Linux /usr/local/ws/
SOLARIS /opt/ws/
Other UNIX /usr/local/ws/

If WideStudio is extracted to the following directory, you will need to configure as below
Installation directory: /export/home/ws/
csh environment variable setenv WSDIR /export/home/ws
. setenv PATH xxxxxx:/export/home/ws/bin
. setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH xxxxxx:/export/home/ws/lib
sh environment variable WSDIR="/export/home/ws";export WSDIR
. PATH="xxxxxx:/export/home/ws/bin";export PATH
. LD_LIBRARY_PATH="xxxxxx:/export/home/ws/lib";export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

csh uses .cshrc and sh uses .profile to prepare environment variable. For details to configure your enviornmen variables, please see each manual.
Once you edit .cshrc, you need to invoke the "rehash" command to make the changes take effect. Login-logout will be also effective.
Please feel free to contact us for any questions/bugs after checking the mailing list