WideStudio Application Builder User's Guide

Select the base class for a new class

Default base class

By default, the window derivation is done: the class from the top window of the class application window becomes the base class for the new class. The application builder generates the following c++ source codes, where [classwin] is the name of the class application window.

  • "[classwin].h"

    A public header file for the class. You can add new members to this.

  • "[classwin].cpp"

    A public source file for the class. You can add new codes to this.

  • "[classwin]P.h"

    A private header file for the class. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.

  • "[classwin]P.cpp"

    A private source file for the class. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.

[Definition of class application window]

A sample class application window, called "class1", is shown in the figure below and is derived from the class of the WSCwork window, and becomes the C++ class "class1". The top window is used as the base class by default, but you can select a different base class using the [Attributes] section of the inspector.

How to select a base class for a new class

For example of the composite derivation, a part of the class application window, the form "cla_form000", is used as a base class here. By default, the top window is used as the base class, but if another instance of the class application window is selected, it becomes the base class.

(NOTICE) You must re-generate the source code whenever you change the base class. If you have edited the files, save your work into a different file and add it back in after re-generation. To re-generate the sources, delete the following files, where [classwin] is the name of the class application window:

  • "[classwin].h"

  • "[classwin].cpp"

[Selection of a base class]

In this case, a new class "class1" is created from the instance "cla_form000" which is selected as the base class. So, the class "class1" inherits WSCform, along with any child instances on the form "cla_form000".

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