WideStudio Application Builder User's Guide

Trace Debugger

How to use the trace debugger

Use the trace debugger to see the execution status of the event procedures executed. Fist of all, build the application, and select ((menu:Build >> Trace Execution)), then the trace dialog appears as follows:

[Trace Dialog]

Push [start] button on the trace dialog to start tracing. When an event procedure is activated, the following outputs are shown in the trace dialog. When you want to stop tracing, push [stop] button.

[Trace output]

You can find which event procedure has a bug when the application terminates abnormally without the following trace message:

 function functionname( ) end

where "functionname" is the name of the function of the event procedure.

Further more, you can show a trace message from your application using WSGFtrace() function as follows (A):

#include <WScom.h>
#include <WSCfunctionList.h>
#include <WSCbase.h>
//Function for the event procedure
void btn_ep1(WSCbase* object){

  WSCstring string;
  string = "btn_ep1 called!!!!!\n";
  WSGFtrace(string);                            //(A)
static WSCfunctionRegister  op("btn_ep1",(void*)btn_ep1);

Note that the output by WSGFtrace() is enabled only when the tracing is turned on.

[Trace output by the application]

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