WideStudio Application Builder User's Guide

What is the Event procedure?

The event procedure is used to do something when an event is fired, in order to do a complicated task which is too difficult to realize within the object. You can code an event procedure with usual knowledge of the C++ language.

It has a trigger and a client instance, and is executed when the trigger is fired on the client. See the Programming Guide. The following shows what the event procedure has.

  • Name

    An instance has many event procedures, so they have their names to identify them.

  • C++ function

    The event procedure has a function which is coded in the c++ language. The function is executed if the event is fired.

  • Trigger

    The event procedure waits for the event on the client instance. If the event is fired, it executes its function.

[The event procedure]

The function for the event procedures

The function has one parameter in which a pointer to the client object is passed. The following function is a template generated by the application.

#include <WScom.h>
#include <WSCfunctionList.h>
#include <WSCbase.h>

//Function for the event procedure
void sample(WSCbase* object){
  //do something...

static WSCfunctionRegister  op("sample",(void*)sample);

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