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The timer

How to use the timer

Drop an instance of the WSCvtimer class on the section [NonGUI] of the object box dialog on some window or some form, and set the interval of firing by millisecond. It will fire the event WSEV_ACTIVATE after the interval. So set the event procedure with WSEV_ACTIVATE to the timer.

There are two kind of the timers. One fires only once, but the other continuously fires at every interval. If the property: "cont" is True, it will continuously fires. It is possible to start or stop the timer by the property: "running". If the property: "cont" is False,after firing,the timer will stop and the property: "running" will become False.

Document Release 3.80 for WideStudio ver 3.80, Jan 2005

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Copyright(C) WideStudio Development Team, 1999-2005 Last modified: Jan 05, 2005