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How to select the key events on the input field

You can select or reject/convert the key events on the input field with the event procedure by the WSEV_KEY_HOOK trigger.

// A WSEV_KEY_HOOK sample procedure.
// Set the input field with the WSEV_KEY_HOOK trigger.
public class hookop {
  protected static void hookop(WSCbase object){
    // get the pressed key code.
    long key = Mpfc.WSGIappKeyboard().getKey();
    if ((key >= Mpfc.WSK_0    && key <= Mpfc.WSK_9   ) ||
        (key >= Mpfc.WSK_KP_0 && key <= Mpfc.WSK_KP_9) ||
        key == Mpfc.WSK_plus      || key == Mpfc.WSK_minus  ||
        key == Mpfc.WSK_BackSpace || key == Mpfc.WSK_Delete || key == Mpfc.WSK_Insert ||
        key == Mpfc.WSK_space     || key == Mpfc.WSK_Up     || key == Mpfc.WSK_Down   ||
        key == Mpfc.WSK_Left      || key == Mpfc.WSK_Right  || key == Mpfc.WSK_Return ){

      // dispatches..
    // Reject the other.

This sample of the input field shows how to choose the key event. Mpfc.WSGIappKeyboard().setKey(0) reject the key event which you do not need.

Document Release 3.80 for WideStudio ver 3.80, Jan 2005

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Copyright(C) WideStudio Development Team, 1999-2005 Last modified: Jan 05, 2005