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The wizard dialog

The wizard dialog is used for making the interactive dialog. It has an indexed form internal which tabs are disabled, and switch the scene by pushing the buttons [<Back] or [Next>] in order. At first specify the number of the scene to the property: WSNmenuItems.

  The property: WSNmenuItems
     the number of the scene

For example, set 5 to it,if the dialog has 5 scenes. Next about settings of the buttons, if you want the title of them are [<Back],[Next>] on usual scene and are [<Back],[Finish] on last scene, set the following value to the property: WSNlabelString.

  The property: WSNlabelString

It is possible to see the property: WSNvalue which scene is indicated now. The first scene is 0,the next one is 1,2... And it is possible to specify the number to indicate a scene which you want to indicate. On editing the dialog, in order to indicate the scene on which you put instances, you must set the number of it to this property:WSNvalue.

  The property: WSNvalue
    The number of the scene
    (Notice) This property must be specified the number of the scene
             when you want to edit the scene on the application builder.

Document Release 3.80 for WideStudio ver 3.80, Jan 2005

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Copyright(C) WideStudio Development Team, 1999-2005 Last modified: Jan 05, 2005