Wide Studio Object Reference

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Inherited Class

This class inherits the following classes.
WSCbase WSCwindow WSCbaseDialog


This class provides a wizard dialog. It has the buttons: "Back", "Next" and "Finish". You can change the scene of the dialog with the buttons: "Back", and "Next", and finishes the scene by the button: "Finish". It has the internal instance of indexed form: WSCindexForm which changes the scene.
The property: WSNmenuItems decides the number of scenes.


  • Provides the basic functions needed by the wizard dialog.
  • Changes the scene by the button: "Back","Next".


Document Release 3.20

For use with Wide Studio Release 3.20, Spring 2003

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Copyright(C) T. Hirabayashi, 1999-2003 Last modified: February 3, 2003