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How to get the parent instance

You can get the parent instance with the method: mwt::WSCbase_getParent().

In the following sample, it acquires the parent instance which places the instance "object", and set False to the visibility of the parent.

use mwt;

sub event_procedure {
  my ($object) = @_;

  # get the parent instance.
  $parent = $object->getParent();
  # access the parent instance.

How to get the parent top level window

You can get the parent window instance with the method: mwt::WSCbase_getParentWindow().

In the following sample, it acquires the parent window instance, and pops down the window. Sometimes this scene is found when closing window by a button instance.

use mwt;

sub event_procedure {
  my ($object) = @_;

  # get the parent window.
  $win = $object->getParentWindow();
  # pop-down the window.

Document Release 3.80 for WideStudio ver 3.80, Jan 2005

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Copyright(C) WideStudio Development Team, 1999-2005 Last modified: Jan 05, 2005