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The sample of the event procedures for WSCvlabel

Making the WSCvlabel instance click-able

In the sample of the event procedures, It is a most basic procedure that makes the label instance to react to the mouse pointer. Here, you will create a procedure to make it counting up clicking of the mouse pointer.

#include "WSDmouse.h"
//Set this to a label instance with WSEV_MOUSE_PRESS
//                                  (MOUSE-PRESS trigger)
void cbop(WSCbase* object){

  //(0) Which the mouse button is pressed?
  // btn1 -> fire. btn2 or the other -> return.
  if ( (WSGIappMouse()->getMouseStatus() & WS_MOUSE_BTN1) == 0){

  //(A)Get the value of the property: WSNuserValue
  long value = object->getProperty(WSNuserValue);
  //(B)Count it up.
  //(C)Display the value.
  //(D)Store the counted value into the property: 
  //                          WSNuserValue for the next time.

At first, this event procedure uses the property: WSNlabelString to display the number which is counted up. So, The kind of class like WSCvbtn,WSCvlabel which has it, can be used with WSEV_MOUSE_PRESS trigger. It will be executed by clicking of the mouse pointer. If by WSEV_MOUSE_IN trigger is used, it count the number of entering and exiting of the mouse pointer.

Making the WSCvlabel instance select-able

Here, you will create a procedure to make the label instance select-able by clicking of the mouse pointer. To display the instance is selected, the procedure changes the back-color of it. This time, the procedure uses the method: set/getUserData() to get/store data instead of the property: WSNuserValue.

//Set this to a label instance with WSEV_MOUSE_PRESS
//                                  (MOUSE-PRESS trigger)
void cbop(WSCbase* object){
  //(A) Get the value with getUserData()
  long value =  (long)object->getUserData("STATUS");
  //(B) it makes the instance selected  if value is 0,
  //                              and unselected if 1.
  if (value == 0){
    //(C) Store the backcolor(which is string type) into WSNuserString
    WSCvariant color = object->getProperty(WSNbackColor);
    //(D)Set the backcolor to the selected color.
    //(E)Store the state with setUserData().
    value = 1;
    //(F)Get the original backcolor from WSNuserString.
    WSCvariant color =  object->getProperty(WSNuserString);
    //(G)Store it to WSNbackColor to display with the original color.
    //(H)Store the state with setUserData().
    value = 0;

The kind of class like WSCvbtn,WSCvlabel which has the property: WSNbackColor, can be used with WSEV_MOUSE_PRESS trigger. It will be executed by clicking of the mouse pointer.

Making the WSCvlabel instance highlight-able

Here, you will create a procedure with WSEV_MOUSE_IN/OUT to make the instance highlighted. Coming into the area,the instance is highlighted,and Going out of the area, it is returned normal.

An important matter is that you create a procedure which prepares a sub-procedure with WSEV_MOUSE_IN and another with WSEV_MOUSE_OUT. In other words,that procedure with WSEV_INITIALIZE is executed, it adds two sub-procedures to the instance which trigger is WSEV_MOUSE_IN and WSEV_MOUSE_OUT to make the instance highlight-able. One procedure can prepares many procedures. Then you can go with a procedure even if many procedures are needed.

//a sub-procedure with WSEV_MOUSE_IN trigger
void subop1(WSCbase* object){
    //(A)Store the original back-color to WSNuserString
    WSCvariant color = object->getProperty(WSNbackColor);
    //(B)highlight the instance.
//a sub-procedure with WSEV_MOUSE_OUT trigger
void subop1(WSCbase* object){
    //(C)Get the original back-color from WSNuserString
     WSCvariant color = object->getProperty(WSNuserString);
    //(D)Store the original back color.
//a main-procedure with WSEV_INITIALIZE trigger
void cbop(WSCbase* object){
   //If executed,it add the sub-procedures to the instance.
   //(E) Setup a sub-procedure:WSEV_MOUSE_IN.
   //ProcedureName="Highlight1" Trigger=WSEV_MOUSE_IN Function=subop1
   WSCprocedure* ac1 = new WSCprocedure("Highlight1",WSEV_MOUSE_IN);
   //(F) Setup a sub-procedure:WSEV_MOUSE_OUT.
   //ProcedureName="Highlight2" Trigger=WSEV_MOUSE_OUT Function=subop2
   WSCprocedure* ac2 = new WSCprocedure("Highlight2",WSEV_MOUSE_OUT);

The subop1() is executed by WSEV_MOUSE_IN fired, and makes the instance back-color highlight(A)(B). The subop2() is executed by WSEV_MOUSE_OUT fired, and makes the instance back-color original one(C)(D). The main procedure is executed by WSEV_INITIALIZE only once to setup the sub-procedures (E)(F).

Making a group of selectable WSCvlabel instances

Here, you create a event procedure to make a group of the mouse-selectable label instances on the same parent. the procedure make the instance selected by storing WS_SHADOW_IN to the property:WSNshadowType and memorize which instance is selected by storing it to its parent instance.

//An event procedure with WSEV_MOUSE_PRESS trigger
void cbop(WSCbase* object){
  //(A)Use the value of WSNuserValue as "instance identifier"
  long val = object->getProperty(WSNuserValue);
  //(B)Make the instance selected: WS_SHADOW_IN state.
  //(C)Get the last selected instance which is memorized
       with setUserData() of the parent instance.
  WSCbase* parent = object->getParent();
  WSCbase* target = (WSCbase*)parent->getUserData("SelectedItem");
  //(D)Make it not selected: WS_SHADOW_OUT state.
  if (target != NULL){
  if (target == object){ 
    //(E)When clicking the selected instance twice,
    //   clear the selected state.
    //(E)The other,store the selected instance to the parent instance.
    parent->setUserData("GroupValue",(void*)val);      //Instance identifier
    parent->setUserData("SelectedItem",(void*)object); //selected instance

The label instances needs each instance identifier to recognize which instance is selected, then we decide to use the property: WSNuserValue as the instance identifier which has unique value.

Document Release 3.90 for WideStudio/MWT ver 3.90, Jul 2005

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Copyright(C) WideStudio/MWT Development Team, 1999-2005 Last modified: Jul 31, 2005