Wide Studio Object Reference

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Class Name


Inherited Class

This class inherits the following classes.
WSCbase WSCnwbase WSCngbase


A class for constructing the remote instance server. Pass remote class information existing in the server process to the agent. Deploy one WSCvremoteServer class instance on an application window of the project when constructing a remote instance server. When 0 is specified in the property WSNport, the agent allocates a port number automatically. Usually, the property WSNip is not used, but when you want to confine a bind IP address of a machine which has multiple IP addresses, WSNip can be specified to bind the IP address.


  • Pass remote instance information to an agent
  • Specify a bind port of the server process


Document Release 3.20

For use with Wide Studio Release 3.20, Spring 2003

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Copyright(C) T. Hirabayashi, 1999-2003 Last modified: February 3, 2003