Wide Studio Object Reference

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Inherited Class

This class inherits the following classes.
WSCbase WSCform WSCscrForm WSClist


It is a list to indicate a tree. It is similar to the property WSNtype of WSClist class "tree". You can input data directly to a list from a specified data source.
         DATA FORMAT:
         [PATH of an icon file],indent level,1(OPEN)/2(CLOSE),item-1,item-2,item-3,...
         [PATH of an icon file],indent level,1(OPEN)/2(CLOSE),item-1,item-2,item-3,...
You can omit the path name of icon and WSNiconUse is used for a default value. The indent level requires an integer value from 0. There is no dependence among tree list items, It expresses a tree only by appointing the indent value. If the indent value differs +2 or higher than the item before, the indent is adjusted to +1 automaticaly.


  • Displays a list in tree style.
  • Data from data source by WSNdata/WSNdataSource/WSNdataSourceName property.


Property WSNdata is used as target property of data source.
Document Release 3.20

For use with Wide Studio Release 3.20, Spring 2003

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Copyright(C) T. Hirabayashi, 1999-2003 Last modified: February 3, 2003